NCERT CLASS 06 History
Welcome to our website’s NCERT Class 06th History Section, where we offer comprehensive study material to help students excel in their Social Science exams. History is a critical subject that forms the basis of many other subjects and is a crucial part of a student’s academic journey. Our NCERT Class 06th History section provides students with high-quality study material in the form of notes, solutions, and worksheets, designed to help students understand complex concepts and ace their exams.
NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 1 “What, Where, How, and When?”
It introduces students to the basic concepts of history, such as understanding time, chronology, and the significance of historical events. Here’s a topic-wise summary of the chapter:
Introduction to History:
- History is the study of the past, including events, people, places, and their significance.
- Historians study various sources like written texts, artifacts, monuments, etc., to learn about the past.
Understanding Time:
- Time is divided into periods like centuries, decades, and years.
- Historians use terms like BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini) to label years.
- Events are arranged in chronological order, i.e., in the sequence they happened.
- A timeline helps to visualize and understand the order of events.
Reading Different Sources:
- Historians gather information from various sources, such as written records, inscriptions, coins, etc.
- Different sources provide different perspectives on historical events.
Reconstructing the Past:
- Historians piece together information from different sources to form a coherent understanding of the past.
- Reconstructing history involves critical thinking and analysis.
Why Study History?
- Studying history helps us understand the development of societies, cultures, and civilizations.
- It provides insights into how people lived, their beliefs, and the changes over time.
- Archaeologists study artifacts, tools, buildings, and remains of the past to learn about ancient cultures.
- Excavations help uncover hidden historical information.
Historical Sites and Monuments:
- Historical sites and monuments offer physical evidence of the past.
- They reflect the architectural styles, beliefs, and lifestyles of earlier times.
Preserving the Past:
- It is important to preserve historical sites, monuments, and artifacts for future generations.
- Conservation efforts help maintain our cultural heritage.
The Concept of Change:
- History shows how societies and civilizations have evolved over time.
- Change is a constant factor, and studying history helps us understand its nature.
- History is a valuable subject that teaches us about the past, helps us make sense of the present, and guides us in shaping the future.
This chapter serves as an introduction to the study of history and sets the foundation for understanding its key concepts, methods, and significance. It encourages students to think critically, analyze historical sources, and appreciate the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.
NCERT Class 06 History Chapter 2 From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food
In this chapter, we explore the transition of human societies from a nomadic lifestyle of hunting and gathering to settling down and practicing agriculture. This shift marked a pivotal moment in history, leading to the development of settled communities and the beginning of agriculture as a way of life.
Introduction to Hunter-Gatherer Societies: The chapter begins by introducing the concept of hunter-gatherer societies, where humans relied on hunting animals and gathering wild plants for their sustenance. These societies were nomadic in nature, constantly moving in search of food.
Tools and Weapons of Early Humans: This section describes the tools and weapons used by early humans for hunting and gathering. They used simple tools made of stone, bone, and wood to perform tasks like cutting, digging, and hunting.
Fire – A Turning Point: The discovery and control of fire by early humans are discussed in this section. Fire provided warmth, protection from predators, and a way to cook food. It was a crucial development in human history.
Beginning of Agriculture: The chapter then delves into the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture. It explains how humans began to sow and cultivate seeds, eventually leading to the growth of crops and the domestication of animals.
Domestication of Plants and Animals: This section highlights the domestication process of plants and animals. Early humans learned to select and cultivate plants with desirable traits and tame animals for various purposes such as food, transportation, and labor.
Advantages of Settled Life: Settling down in one place brought numerous advantages. People could build permanent shelters, store surplus food, and engage in other activities such as crafts and trade. This marked the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities.
Impact on Lifestyle and Social Structure: The transition to agriculture led to changes in lifestyle and social structure. With the ability to produce surplus food, societies became more complex. Social roles diversified, and leadership roles emerged.
New Challenges: As humans shifted to agriculture, new challenges arose, such as dealing with pests, diseases, and fluctuations in weather. These challenges led to the development of new techniques and technologies to mitigate their impact.
Spread of Agriculture: The chapter discusses how the practice of agriculture spread from one region to another, often through migration and trade. This contributed to the development of different agricultural practices around the world.
Key Concepts:
- Transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture
- Tools and weapons of early humans
- Discovery and control of fire
- Domestication of plants and animals
- Advantages and challenges of settled life
- Impact on lifestyle and social structure
- Spread of agriculture and its significance
Takeaways: This chapter provides insights into the transformative shift from a nomadic existence to settled agricultural communities. It highlights the ingenuity of early humans in adapting to their environment and shaping their way of life through innovations such as fire control, domestication, and agriculture
NCERT Class 6 History – Chapter 3: In the Earliest Cities
Introduction: The chapter “In the Earliest Cities” explores the emergence of early cities in different parts of the world and delves into their features, lifestyle, and significance.
1. What is a City? This section defines a city as a large and densely populated settlement characterized by various features like a well-structured layout, organized governance, specialized jobs, and a surplus of food production. It discusses how cities are distinct from villages.
2. Emergence of Cities: This part takes the readers back to the time of early cities that emerged around 7000 years ago in various regions like Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China. It highlights how factors like fertile land, availability of water, and strategic locations contributed to the growth of these cities.
3. Mesopotamia: The First Cities: The chapter explores the cities of Mesopotamia, such as Ur and Uruk. It discusses the significance of rivers like the Tigris and Euphrates in sustaining agriculture and trade. The emergence of social hierarchies, the invention of writing (cuneiform script), and the construction of monumental buildings are also covered.
4. The Story of Harappa: This section introduces the ancient city of Harappa in the Indus Valley. It describes the well-planned layout of the city, with streets laid out in a grid pattern and advanced drainage systems. The chapter also talks about the Great Bath, indicating a focus on hygiene and ritual activities.
5. What Books and Burials Tell Us: The importance of artefacts, writings, and burials in understanding the lifestyle of early city-dwellers is emphasized in this part. The use of seals, pottery, and other objects for trade and communication is discussed. The differences in burial practices provide insights into social divisions.
6. Kingdoms, Kings, and an Early Republic: This section shifts the focus to early cities in the Indian subcontinent, such as Taxila and Mathura. It discusses the existence of kings and republics, mentioning Magadha as an example of an early kingdom. The Mauryan period is highlighted as a time of centralization and organization.
7. New Questions and Ideas: The chapter concludes by highlighting the importance of asking questions and exploring the past through archaeological findings, inscriptions, and other sources. It encourages students to think critically about the lifestyle, society, and economy of early cities.
Conclusion: “In the Earliest Cities” sheds light on the fascinating world of ancient cities, their development, and their cultural significance. By examining various civilizations, the chapter provides a glimpse into the lives of people who lived thousands of years ago and contributed to the foundation of urban societies.
NCERT Class 06 History Chapter 4 What Books and Burials Tell Us.
In this chapter, titled “What Books and Burials Tell Us,” students explore the fascinating insights that ancient books and burial sites provide about the past. The chapter highlights the significance of deciphering inscriptions, studying artefacts, and understanding burial practices to reconstruct historical narratives.
Topics Covered:
Introduction to Books and Burials:
- Introduces the concept of studying history through books and artefacts found in burial sites.
- Emphasizes the importance of archaeology and epigraphy in unravelling historical mysteries.
Deciphering Inscriptions:
- Explains the role of inscriptions as written records of ancient societies.
- Discusses the decipherment of inscriptions using the example of the Rosetta Stone and its impact on understanding hieroglyphics.
Books of Ancient Times:
- Explores how ancient texts were recorded on materials such as palm leaves, birch bark, and animal skins.
- Introduces students to ancient writing systems like Brahmi and Kharosthi.
Reading Between the Lines:
- Discusses the challenges faced in deciphering ancient scripts due to their unfamiliarity and the passage of time.
- Emphasizes the role of scholars and experts in decoding ancient languages.
Burial Sites and Archaeological Discoveries:
- Explores the significance of burial sites in uncovering insights about past societies.
- Highlights discoveries from burial sites, such as pottery, ornaments, tools, and human remains.
Harappa and Mohenjodaro:
- Introduces the Indus Valley Civilization and its well-planned cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.
- Discusses how archaeological excavations have provided insights into the urban planning, trade, and daily life of the people in these ancient cities.
- Explores the concept of megaliths and their role in burial practices of ancient times.
- Discusses different types of megalithic structures and their distribution across different regions.
Learning from Bones:
- Explains how the study of human remains can reveal information about diet, health, and lifestyle of ancient people.
- Highlights the importance of osteology (study of bones) in reconstructing the past.
Piecing Together the Past:
- Summarizes the process of piecing together historical information from various sources such as inscriptions, artefacts, and archaeological findings.
- Emphasizes the collaborative effort of historians, archaeologists, and epigraphists in reconstructing history.
Conclusion: The chapter concludes by underscoring the role of books and burial sites as valuable sources of information for historians. It encourages students to appreciate the complexity of deciphering ancient languages and learning from the artefacts left behind by our ancestors. By studying these remnants of the past, we gain a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures and societies that have shaped human history.
NCERT Class 06 History Chapter 5 Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic.
1. Introduction
- Briefly introduces the period of transition from ancient to medieval times in India.
- Highlights the significance of kingdoms and republics during this period.
2. Kingdoms of the Mahajanapadas
- Discusses the concept of “Mahajanapadas” or great kingdoms that emerged after the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization.
- Lists and briefly describes some important Mahajanapadas, such as Magadha, Vajji, Kosala, and Avanti.
- Explores the economic, social, and political characteristics of these kingdoms.
3. Kings and Their Roles
- Explores the role of kings in the Mahajanapadas.
- Discusses the administrative, military, and social responsibilities of kings during this period.
- Highlights the importance of the king’s authority and his relationship with the people.
4. Janapadas: Emergence of Republics
- Introduces the concept of “Janapadas,” which were smaller units within Mahajanapadas.
- Focuses on the republics, specifically the Vajji Republic, which had a unique system of governance based on assemblies and councils.
5. Magadha: Rise of a Powerful Kingdom
- Examines the rise of Magadha as a powerful kingdom under the rule of Bimbisara and Ajatasatru.
- Describes the expansion of Magadha’s territory and the strategies used by its rulers.
6. Mahavira and Buddha: Spiritual Leaders
- Introduces Mahavira and Buddha as prominent spiritual leaders of this period.
- Explores their teachings, philosophies, and their impact on society and the religious landscape.
7. The Mauryan Empire
- Discusses the emergence of the Mauryan Empire under the leadership of Chandragupta Maurya.
- Highlights the significance of Chanakya (Kautilya) as a strategist and advisor to Chandragupta.
- Describes the administrative and economic features of the Mauryan Empire.
8. Ashoka the Great
- Focuses on the reign of Ashoka, one of the most famous Mauryan rulers.
- Explores Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism and his efforts to promote non-violence and Dharma.
- Discusses Ashoka’s rock edicts and their messages.
9. Decline of the Mauryan Empire
- Examines the factors that contributed to the decline of the Mauryan Empire.
- Highlights the role of external invasions and internal conflicts.
10. Summary
- Summarizes the key points covered in the chapter.
- Emphasizes the significance of this period in shaping India’s political and cultural history.
11. Glossary
- Provides definitions for important terms and concepts introduced in the chapter.
This chapter provides students with insights into the political and social dynamics of ancient India, highlighting the diversity of governance structures and the important role played by kings and republics during the transition to the medieval period.
NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6, “New Questions and Ideas”
1. What is History?
- The chapter begins by discussing what history is and how it is different from stories and legends.
- History involves studying the past based on evidence and facts.
2. The Story of the Past:
- Explains that history helps us understand how people lived in the past.
- It involves the study of artifacts, manuscripts, and other sources of information.
3. New Questions and Ideas:
- Introduces the idea that people in the past also had questions about life and the world.
- They looked for answers through observation and reasoning.
4. In the Beginning, There was No Writing:
- Discusses how early humans did not have writing systems.
- They communicated through spoken words and symbols.
5. The First Writing:
- Describes the emergence of writing in different parts of the world.
- Discusses how the Sumerians in Mesopotamia and the Egyptians developed their writing systems.
6. How Do We Know About These Cities?:
- Explains that historians have learned about ancient cities from various sources like inscriptions, clay tablets, and archaeological excavations.
7. What the Rigveda Tells Us:
- Introduces the Rigveda, one of the oldest texts in India.
- Discusses how it provides information about the people, society, and culture of ancient India.
8. A New Way of Life:
- Talks about the transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture.
- Discusses the importance of agriculture in the development of early civilizations.
9. Changing Ways of Life:
- Explains how changes in technology and ideas led to the growth of towns and cities.
- Discusses the importance of trade and crafts.
10. What Books and Burials Tell Us:
- Discusses the significance of books and burials in understanding ancient cultures.
- Describes the discovery of the Harappan civilization and its writing.
11. The People Who Made the Epics:
- Introduces the Indian epics, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata.
- Discusses the role of bards in passing down these epic stories orally.
12. Summary:
- Summarizes the key points of the chapter, emphasizing the importance of asking questions and seeking answers to understand the past.
This chapter aims to teach students the fundamentals of historical inquiry, the evolution of writing, and the importance of ancient texts and artifacts in reconstructing the history of early civilizations. It encourages students to think critically about the past and how it is studied.
NCERT Class 7 History “Ashoka: The Emperor Who Gave Up War.”
1. Introduction:
- The chapter begins with a reference to the Mauryan Empire and the reign of Ashoka, one of its most famous emperors.
- It introduces the central theme of Ashoka’s transformation from a ruthless conqueror to a promoter of peace and non-violence.
2. The Mauryan Empire:
- This section provides background information about the Mauryan Empire, including its geographical extent and its first emperor, Chandragupta Maurya.
- It briefly mentions the conquests of Chandragupta and his efficient administration.
3. Ashoka’s Early Life:
- Details about Ashoka’s early life and accession to the throne are discussed.
- Ashoka’s character as a fierce and ambitious ruler who sought to expand his empire through warfare is highlighted.
4. Kalinga War:
- The Kalinga War is a significant event in Ashoka’s life, and this section describes the reasons behind the war and its outcome.
- The brutality and bloodshed during the war deeply affected Ashoka.
5. Ashoka’s Conversion to Buddhism:
- This part of the chapter explains how the suffering and death caused by the Kalinga War led Ashoka to reevaluate his life and policies.
- It discusses Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism and his commitment to non-violence and the welfare of his subjects.
6. Ashoka’s Edicts:
- Ashoka’s efforts to spread Buddhism and his moral code are explored through his rock and pillar edicts.
- These edicts, inscribed on rocks and pillars across his empire, convey his principles of dharma (righteousness) and social welfare.
7. Ashoka’s Message of Peace:
- The chapter emphasizes Ashoka’s role as a promoter of peace and religious tolerance.
- His policies of religious freedom, support for Buddhism, and efforts to resolve disputes through diplomacy are highlighted.
8. Ashoka’s Legacy:
- The concluding section discusses the long-term impact of Ashoka’s reign on Indian history and his legacy as a compassionate and enlightened ruler.
9. Review and Exercises:
- The chapter ends with questions and exercises to test students’ understanding of the content.
NCERT Class 8 textbook “Vital Villages, Thriving Towns.”
1: The Village of Palampur
- This chapter introduces students to the concept of a village and its importance in India.
- It discusses the economic activities in the village of Palampur, such as farming, dairy, and small-scale manufacturing.
- Students learn about the role of different factors of production, like land, labor, and capital, in agricultural and non-agricultural activities.
- It also covers the importance of multiple cropping and the need for modern farming techniques.
2: People as Resource
- This chapter explores the idea that people are a valuable resource for a nation’s development.
- Students learn about how education, health, and skill development can enhance human capital.
- The concept of unemployment and its types are introduced.
- It emphasizes the need for equitable distribution of resources and opportunities for all.
3: Rural Livelihoods
- This chapter delves deeper into various sources of livelihood in rural areas.
- It discusses different types of employment such as farming, dairy, and non-farm activities like small-scale manufacturing and services.
- Students are introduced to the idea of the organized and unorganized sectors of employment.
4: Urban Livelihoods
- This chapter shifts the focus to urban areas and explores the livelihood options available in towns and cities.
- It discusses various jobs and professions, including formal and informal sectors.
- Students learn about the challenges faced by urban laborers and the importance of organized labor unions.
5: Markets Around Us
- This chapter introduces students to the concept of markets and their role in the economy.
- It discusses various types of markets, such as local, national, and global markets.
- Students learn about the factors affecting the prices of goods and the role of middlemen in the market.
6: The Indian Constitution
- This chapter provides an overview of the Indian Constitution and its significance.
- Students learn about the key features of the Constitution, fundamental rights, and the role of the government in upholding these rights.
- It also introduces the idea of social justice and the importance of equality and democracy.
7: Understanding Marginalization
- This chapter focuses on the concept of marginalization and the groups of people who are often marginalized in society.
- Students learn about the challenges faced by marginalized communities and the importance of inclusive development.
8: Confronting Marginalization
- Building on the previous chapter, this one discusses the efforts and initiatives taken to address the issues of marginalization.
- Students learn about government policies and programs aimed at reducing inequality and improving the lives of marginalized communities.
9: Public Facilities
- This chapter emphasizes the importance of public facilities like healthcare, education, and sanitation.
- Students learn about the role of the government in providing these facilities and the need for equal access to them.
10: Law and Social Justice
- This chapter explores the concept of justice and the role of law in ensuring social justice.
- Students learn about the legal system in India and the importance of upholding the rule of law.
11: Understanding Economic Development
- This chapter provides an overview of economic development and its indicators.
- Students learn about the differences in income and disparities in access to resources and opportunities.
- It emphasizes the need for sustainable and inclusive economic development.
These chapters collectively provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and political aspects of villages, towns, and the overall development of India.
Class 6 NCERT Chapter 9 “Traders, Kings, and Pilgrims.”
1. Introduction:
- It starts by highlighting the importance of trade and how it influenced the growth of early civilizations.
- Emphasizes the role of traders, kings, and pilgrims in ancient India’s history.
2. Traders and Towns:
- Discusses the significance of trade routes like the Silk Route and the spice route.
- Explains how traders from different regions came to India to exchange goods.
- Mentions the goods traded, such as spices, silk, and precious stones.
- Talks about the development of towns as centers for trade and commerce.
3. New Kingdoms Along the Ganges:
- Introduces the Magadha region and its importance in ancient India.
- Discusses the rise of the Mauryan Empire under Chandragupta Maurya.
- Mentions the administration and achievements of Ashoka the Great.
- Describes the decline of the Mauryan Empire and the rise of regional kingdoms.
4. On the Silk Route:
- Explores the significance of the Silk Route.
- Discusses the accounts of Chinese pilgrims Fa Xian and Xuanzang who visited India during this period.
- Highlights their observations on Indian society, culture, and Buddhism.
5. The Story of Harsha:
- Introduces King Harsha and his reign in North India.
- Discusses Harsha’s efforts to unify North India and promote Buddhism.
- Describes the decline of Harsha’s empire after his death.
6. Pilgrimage and Patronage:
- Explores the concept of pilgrimage and its significance in ancient India.
- Discusses the patronage of religion and culture by kings and merchants.
- Highlights the construction of stupas, monasteries, and temples as acts of patronage.
7. A Closer Look: The Delhi Iron Pillar:
- Describes the famous Iron Pillar located in Delhi.
- Discusses its construction and the scientific marvel of its rust-resistant iron.
8. Review and Conclusion:
- Summarizes the key points discussed in the chapter.
- Reinforces the importance of trade, kingship, and religion in shaping ancient Indian history.
This chapter provides insights into the rich history of ancient India, highlighting the interconnectedness of trade, kingship, and pilgrimage in shaping the civilization of that era. It also introduces students to important historical figures and events that played a crucial role in India’s development during this period.
Class 6 NCERT Chapter 10 history “New Empires and Kingdoms.”
Introduction to New Empires and Kingdoms:
- The chapter begins by introducing the concept of new empires and kingdoms that emerged after the decline of the Gupta Empire.
The Cholas:
- The Cholas were a prominent dynasty in South India during this period.
- They established a powerful empire and were known for their maritime activities, trade, and temple construction.
The Cheras and the Pandyas:
- These were two other dynasties in South India, contemporary to the Cholas.
- The Cheras were known for their trade connections with West Asia and the Romans.
- The Pandyas were famous for their pearl fisheries.
The Pallavas:
- The Pallavas were another dynasty that ruled in South India.
- They were known for their architecture and the construction of rock-cut temples.
The Rashtrakutas:
- The Rashtrakutas were a powerful dynasty in the Deccan region.
- They had a well-organized administration and were patrons of art and culture.
The Gurjara-Pratiharas:
- The Gurjara-Pratiharas were a North Indian dynasty.
- They were known for their control over trade routes and their patronage of art and culture.
The Pala Empire:
- The Pala Empire was a significant dynasty in Bengal and Bihar.
- They were patrons of Buddhism and Nalanda University flourished under their rule.
The Chalukyas of Kalyani:
- The Chalukyas of Kalyani were another Deccan dynasty.
- They are known for their architectural contributions like the Kailasanatha temple at Ellora.
The Rajputs:
- The Rajputs were a group of warrior clans in North India.
- They played a crucial role in the political landscape during this period.
The Kingdoms of the Deccan Plateau:
- This section discusses various smaller kingdoms and regions in the Deccan Plateau and their unique characteristics.
Trade and Commerce:
The chapter also emphasizes the importance of trade and commerce during this period, including both overland and maritime trade.
Religion and Culture:
- The chapter briefly touches on the religious and cultural aspects of these empires and kingdoms, including their patronage of art, literature, and architecture.
Decline of the Empires and Kingdoms:
- The chapter concludes by discussing the factors that led to the decline of these empires and kingdoms, paving the way for further developments in Indian history.
This chapter provides students with an overview of the diverse political entities that existed in India during the early medieval period and their contributions to art, culture, and trade. It also sets the stage for a deeper understanding of the historical developments in the subcontinent.
NCERT Chapter 11: Buildings, Paints and Books
1. Introduction to Architecture:
- The chapter begins by introducing the concept of architecture, which is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings.
- It highlights that architecture is not only about aesthetics but also about functionality and durability.
2. Ancient Buildings:
- This section discusses ancient buildings and structures from different parts of the world.
- It mentions the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, and Stonehenge in the UK as examples of remarkable ancient architecture.
- Students learn about the diversity and creativity in architectural designs across different civilizations.
3. Materials Used in Ancient Buildings:
- The chapter explores the materials used in constructing ancient buildings, such as stone, brick, wood, and mud.
- It explains how the availability of local materials influenced architectural choices.
4. Different Types of Buildings:
- This section categorizes buildings into various types based on their purpose, such as residential, commercial, religious, and educational.
- Students gain an understanding of how the design of a building is influenced by its intended function.
5. Building Materials and Techniques in Ancient India:
- The chapter delves into the materials and techniques used in ancient Indian architecture.
- It mentions the use of materials like wood, brick, and stone and highlights the architectural marvels like the Taj Mahal and Qutub Minar.
6. Paints and Their Uses:
- This part introduces paints and their importance in architecture.
- It discusses how paints protect buildings from environmental damage and enhance their appearance.
- Students also learn about natural sources of pigments used in traditional paints.
7. Preservation of Buildings:
- The chapter emphasizes the importance of preserving historical buildings.
- It discusses the efforts taken to protect and restore ancient structures for future generations to appreciate.
8. Ancient Books and Their Preservation:
- The final section touches upon the significance of books as repositories of knowledge and culture.
- It mentions the various materials used for writing in ancient times, such as palm leaves and papyrus.
- Students learn about the efforts made to preserve ancient texts and manuscripts.
9. Conclusion:
- The chapter concludes by reinforcing the idea that buildings and books are essential aspects of human civilization.
- It encourages students to appreciate the architectural heritage and the value of books as sources of knowledge.
This chapter provides students with a broad overview of architecture, building materials, and the preservation of historical structures and books. It helps them understand the rich history and cultural significance associated with these topics.