Hello Students for your better preparation of CBSE CLASS 06 here we are sharing complete solution of NCERT CLASS 06 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas – with Complete explanation, Summary, NCERT CLASS 06 History Short Answer Questions, NCERT CLASS 06 History Long Answers, NCERT CLASS 06 History MCQS, NCERT CLASS 06 History mind maps.
NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6, “New Questions and Ideas”
1. What is History?
- The chapter begins by discussing what history is and how it is different from stories and legends.
- History involves studying the past based on evidence and facts.
2. The Story of the Past:
- Explains that history helps us understand how people lived in the past.
- It involves the study of artifacts, manuscripts, and other sources of information.
3. New Questions and Ideas:
- Introduces the idea that people in the past also had questions about life and the world.
- They looked for answers through observation and reasoning.
4. In the Beginning, There was No Writing:
- Discusses how early humans did not have writing systems.
- They communicated through spoken words and symbols.
5. The First Writing:
- Describes the emergence of writing in different parts of the world.
- Discusses how the Sumerians in Mesopotamia and the Egyptians developed their writing systems.
6. How Do We Know About These Cities?:
- Explains that historians have learned about ancient cities from various sources like inscriptions, clay tablets, and archaeological excavations.
7. What the Rigveda Tells Us:
- Introduces the Rigveda, one of the oldest texts in India.
- Discusses how it provides information about the people, society, and culture of ancient India.
8. A New Way of Life:
- Talks about the transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture.
- Discusses the importance of agriculture in the development of early civilizations.
9. Changing Ways of Life:
- Explains how changes in technology and ideas led to the growth of towns and cities.
- Discusses the importance of trade and crafts.
10. What Books and Burials Tell Us:
- Discusses the significance of books and burials in understanding ancient cultures.
- Describes the discovery of the Harappan civilization and its writing.
11. The People Who Made the Epics:
- Introduces the Indian epics, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata.
- Discusses the role of bards in passing down these epic stories orally.
12. Summary:
- Summarizes the key points of the chapter, emphasizing the importance of asking questions and seeking answers to understand the past.
This chapter aims to teach students the fundamentals of historical inquiry, the evolution of writing, and the importance of ancient texts and artifacts in reconstructing the history of early civilizations. It encourages students to think critically about the past and how it is studied.